Safety on my mind
I have safety on my mind. Safety isn’t just for the outdoors, or the field. How do you make your work environment safe?

In working with a valued client organization, I am witness to many leaders as they articulate their “personal commitments to safety”. Mine is: I commit to learning about safety and sharing it with others. I commit to creating safe environments in which my clients can learn.
My job (and commitment) as coach and facilitator is to make the learning environment safe.
By ensuring that:
• All voices, all opinions are valued.
• Questions come from a place of curiosity.
• Humour is respectful, joyful.
• Learning takes different forms.
• Diversity of learning styles and perspectives is encouraged and supported.
• Confidentiality is maintained.
• Emotions are noticed, acknowledged.
• Judgment is suspended.
• Accountability to each other is upheld.
• Progress is recognized.
• Effort is encouraged.
When we feel safe, we feel free to experiment, ask questions, try new things, to learn, grow, explore. Spread our wings.